I am inspired by the skillful use of natural materials in pre-industrialized cultures. With this fascination as motivation, I dove into the world of hand craft. At the beginning of this journey I was intent on learning about wood working, but intimidated by the number of machines and subsequent price tags of all the conventional shops I was familiar with. Against that backdrop, I discovered green woodworking which offered a way to get started with a handful of inexpensive and simple hand tools. Though I now incorporate all sorts of useful technology into my work, learning about the nature of wood and the mechanics of simple hand tools offers invaluable insight and fundamental skill. I rely heavily on these essential skills utilizing axes, draw knives, gouges, planes, etc. and am careful not to give away all of this satisfying work lest I forget the important connections that led me down this path.

I create wooden objects rooted in folk traditions. Wooden household items, buildings, furniture, and sculptures come to life in my work space through a mix of hand and power tools. I gravitate to and aspire to make functional objects imbued with personality through carving and color. The carved pieces have a sketch like quality. The essential form lies just below the faceted surface. Details are loosely laid out reflecting and emphasizing the human touch. Many of these traditionally inspired pieces hint at the past while creating a space for new paths forward. I find myself drawn to the materials of the forested landscapes that I love. Working with these materials provides me with a powerful and much needed sense of connection. I strive to create work that feels as if it has roots drawing life from and communicating with the networks of a place.

Why is Craft Important?

The increasingly automated digital world that surrounds us presents a paradox. It is both incredibly useful and convenient, yet has an undeniable tendency to alienate us from one another. The resulting identity confusion creates people with a deep craving to connect with real human experiences. Craft has a grounding effect. It provides learners with a unique way to connect to the landscape via raw local materials, their own bodies through handwork, a community of fellow learners, as well as a cultural community at large. Craft is a powerful agent for connectivity and a necessary sanctuary within the chaos of modern society.

Enjoy the site and feel free to contact me with any inquiries.